Pastor Rob Moore

Hi there. I am Rob Moore, a pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. I believe that all pastors are called to something new. We are no longer called to "make members" in our congregations - we are called to grow disciples.
This web site is my thoughts, blogs, pictures, cartoons, videos, links, etc. about doing something new in the church. Yes - I know that the seven holy words of the church are "We've Never Done It That Way Before." But let's be truthful - our congregations are dying. And if we are going to resurrect them, they MUST become something new.
So whether you are clergy or laity, active in a church or an agnostic, traditional or contemporary - I invite you to be part of this journey.
And wow, what a roller coaster ride it will be!!
This web site is my thoughts, blogs, pictures, cartoons, videos, links, etc. about doing something new in the church. Yes - I know that the seven holy words of the church are "We've Never Done It That Way Before." But let's be truthful - our congregations are dying. And if we are going to resurrect them, they MUST become something new.
So whether you are clergy or laity, active in a church or an agnostic, traditional or contemporary - I invite you to be part of this journey.
And wow, what a roller coaster ride it will be!!